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Monday, April 21, 2008


(From August 13, 2007)

Spending all day behind a cash register ringing people up is a crummy way to make a living. All of the things below were readily available at my local Walgreen's. Purchase any of the following combinations of items and I guarantee you'll make a cashier's day. (Or at the very least, give them something to tell their friends about later that night when they're getting high.)

-Sleeping pills, bleach, rubber gloves, hacksaw

-16-pack of condoms, pink stuffed teddy bear, Easy-Bake-Oven

-Marie Claire Magazine, 16 oz. bottle of Johnson's baby oil, scented candle

-Bag of "snack size" Snickers bars, pack of Singer sewing needles (late October only)

-Wooden Ruler, 8-pound dumbbell, two foot length of chain

-Gas can, 3-pack of dish towels, anniversary card

-Depilatory cream, Summer's Eve feminine deodorant spray, heart-shaped box of chocolates (only funny if you're a guy-- on second thought, funny either way.)

C'mon, have some fun! After all, it's only money.

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